We publish in all categories.

All formats, including hardcover, softcover, ebook, audio book, and website.

All methods, including offset, digital, and print-on-demand.
We can print all over the world – USA, Israel, Europe, China, and more. Usually, we print in the country where the books are needed to avoid shipping costs and hassle. If the cost of printing is significantly lower in a different country (e.g., color printing), then we will print in one country and ship to another. In the case of print-on-demand, the books are printed in the country closest to the destination and shipped.
Only when printing by offset, which generally requires a minimum of 500 copies. For smaller orders, we print digitally or print-on-demand, and the hard cover binding is called case wrap, which is similar to the method used to bind paperbacks.
The author. It will be stated on the copyright page.
If we use KDP’s platform, there is an option to receive a free ISBN from them. We also offer our own ISBNs for sale.
KDP (CreateSpace) and Ingram Spark.
Absolutely. The first thing we do is set up a thorough publishing plan tailored to meet your needs. Usually, there are a few details that can’t be decided upon at the beginning, and that is okay.
Of course. Good communication is the key to successful publishing.
We prefer .doc, .docx, or .rtf. If you only have a .pdf file, we can convert it to .docx, but there is a charge for doing that and the new document will need extra editing.
It depends on many factors, such as the length of the manuscript, the amount of editing it requires, the level of service (e.g., prices for cover designers can range from $10 to $1,000), the number of copies printed, and the number of services ordered (e.g., some authors don’t order marketing and others do). We suggest that you share your publishing goals and maximum budget with us, and we will create a custom quote to meet your needs.
We offer all the services you will need as an author: editing, proofreading, interior layout, cover design, illustrating, copywriting, printing, shipping, website design, and marketing. You choose which ones you want according to your goals and budget.
It depends on many factors, such as the length of the manuscript, the amount of editing, and the author’s cooperation. We try to move ahead as quickly as possible without rushing, and we request that the author does the same. If you have a deadline to meet, please mention it at the outset.
In a standard agreement, the author receives the final edited Word document and the print files (PDFs of the interior and cover). The creative files (i.e., InDesign files) remain our property unless the author pays to purchase them.
All print-on-demand books, ebooks, and audio books are sold on all of the major online book retailers. The main one, of course, is Amazon.
We are going to try this soon. If successful, it will be a major benefit for our self-publishers.
We work with a few distributors, but we cannot guarantee ahead of time if they will agree to take on your title. We can, however, give you an idea of whether or not there is a market for your sefer.
For print-on-demand services, you will open your own free account with the chosen platform, and they will forward the royalties to your bank account once a month. For sales in Jewish bookstores, we will pay you at a predetermined interval.
In principle, our job is complete once the book is published and the author is happy. If the author needs further assistance (e.g., dealing with the print-on-demand platform), we will offer some help gratis, but more significant assistance will incur a reasonable fee.

Obviously, book publishing is very idiosyncratic, so a one-size-fits-all answer isn’t always possible. If you have a specific question or project in mind, please contact us for more detailed information.